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Mealtime Management Policy and Forms Package





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Mealtime Management Forms and Templates Package
This product features
1. CHAP – for SIL or those with Complex Health
2. Mealtime Management Wall Poster
3. My Eating and Drinking Profile
4. Practice Alert; Dysphagia, Safe Swallowing and Mealtime Management
5. Speech Therapist Referral Form
6. Dysphagia – Support Worker Checklist
7. Comprehensive Assessment
8. Mealtime Management Policy

NDIS Provider Guide to Governance, Risk and Compliance

This eBook, outlines the issues which most commonly occur in NDIS Services.
The eBook is written by an NDIS Auditor and veteran in community services, disability service, mental health service and public sector service.
It is a great reference document, and a good read. You will learn a great deal from the eBook and will realise the ‘root cause’ associated with situations you are most likely experiencing.
NDIS Provider Guide to good service delivery.